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The story

X-cape Club

X-Cape Moto Club has been formally established in 2009. During the past 15 years we have grown the interest for Enduro and off-road motorsports in our county, Bacau by organizing and participating in multiple events.
first Rally-Raid Cup in Bacau in 2002
European Enduro Championship stages in 2011, 2014 and 2018. Awarded best organizing club for EEC 2014.
National events: Enduro (3 stages), Enduro-Cross (7 stages), Hard-Enduro (4 stages)

With great honor and pride, we will organize the GP of Romania this year after a long wait – 11 years since the last GP in Buzau, 2013.


Clubul Sportiv X-Cape a fost infiintat in 2002, an in care a organizat si prima cursa de rally- raid. In forma organizatorica actuala membrii fondatori sunt Ionut Ceasar, Cristi Ciocoiu si Bogdan Andries.
Din palmaresul organizatoric amintim:
 2009 – Cupa Enduro Rally X-Cape – concurs desfasurat la Bacau, cu parcul inchis la Stadionul Municipal si un traseu ce strabate judetul din Hemeiusi pana la Zemes si retur;
 2010 – X-Cape descopera traseele forestiere din Comanesti si imprejurimi si pregateste o cursa memorabilia pentru toti participantii – Cupa “Ionut Ardeleanu”; ploaia si conditiile meteo vitrege nu au oprit desfasurarea evenimentului ci au facut deliciul participantilor si spectatorilor;
 2011 – Folosind experienta acumulata in anii precedent si frumusetea naturala a zonei
Comanesti, clubul nostru gazduieste pentru prima data o etapa o etapa de Campionat
European de Enduro; Aceasta sarcina se dovedeste a fi una dificila, implicand toti membrii clubului si colaborarea cu institutiile locale si centrale, dar este indeplinita cu success,
Comisia Europeana de Enduro confirmand acest lucru la incheierea evenimentului.
 In 2012, respectiv 2013 X-Cape a organizat etape in Campionatul National de Enduro, etape gazduite de orasul Bacau. Acestea au identificat cateva aspecte cheie pentru evenimentele ce vor urma:
o noul Centru de Afaceri si Expozitii “Mircea Cancicov” ca baza logistica pentru
competitii datorita localizarii acestuia cat si a facilitatilor moderne care sunt puse la
o traseele ce strabat zone naturale spectaculoase dar si tehnice pentru enduro, cu
access facil la probele speciale pentru spectatori cat si staff-ul organizatoric;
o Bacaul este usor accesibil concurentilor si personalului organizatoric prin caile de
access puse la dispozitie: drumul European E85 si aeroportul international Bacau dar
si multiplelor posibilitati de cazare in unitatile hoteliere

 2014 – Pentru a doua oara, X-Cape organizeaza o etapa de Campionat European de Enduro,
de data aceasta in Bacau. Evenimentul se bucura de success prin participare numeroasa a
concurentilor din 20 de tari europene cat si a spectatorilor pasionati de sporturile cu motor
din toata Romania. Conditiile meteo au facut organizarea foarte dificila pentru membrii
clubului insa experienta precedenta cat si buna cunoastere a rutelor alternative din traseu s-
au dovedit elementul cheie pentru success. Acest aspect a fost evidentiat in rapoartele de
concurs ale Comisiei Europene de Enduro cat si ale Federatie Romane de Motociclism unde
se remarca eforturile sustinute si determinarea X-Cape pentru a asigura siguranta
concurentilor si continuarea sustinerii probelor in conditii deosebite.
 2015 – 2017 – Sunt organizate competitii enduro sub egida FRM, cu participare in calendarul
Campionatului Regional sau National la ramurile enduro classic sau hard-enduro
 2018 – Comisia Europeana de Enduro raspunde pozitiv cererii clubului X-Cape pentru
organizarea unei Etape de Campionat European de Enduro, competitie ce aduce Romania si
Bacaul pe harta sporturilor cu motor de performanta in 2018. Pe langa activiatile organizatorice, membrii X-Cape sunt sportive legitimate de Federatia Romana de Motociclism in Campionatul National de Enduro, participand la concursurile din tara dar si din strainatate. Din cele mai importante amintim:
o Red Bull Romaniacs – Sibiu, o competitie emblematica in hard-enduro la nivel
o Red Bull Sea to Sky – Turcia;
o Campionatul European de Enduro – Kielce, Polonia
o Participari frecvente in competitiile nationale de enduro, hard enduro si enduro
In 2011, respectiv 2013, membrii clubului au participat la Campionatul Mondial de Enduro organizat la Buzau in calitate de arbitrii principali pentru probele speciale de motocross si extreme.
In pregatirea etapei de Enduro European din 2014 membrii clubului au obtinut licenta din partea Federatiei Internationale de Motociclism pentru a putea ocupa pozitiile de Director de Concurs si Comisar de Mediu in cadrul oricarui eveniment de talie mondiala. Aceasta licentiere confirma capacitatea organizatorica pentru evenimentele ale caror gazda vom fi cat si disponibilitatea de a juca un role in concursurile organizate de alte cluburi pe teritoriul Romaniei.
Deasemenea, ca cerinta pentru organizarea concursului din acest an, 10 membrii ai clubului nostru vor participa la cursuri de specializare si certificare sustinute de Federatia Internationala de Motociclism.



The X-Cape Sports Club was founded in 2002, the year when it organized its first rally-raid.

In the organizational form the current founding members are Ionut Ceasar, Cristi Ciocoiu and Bogdan Andries.

From the organizational record we mention:

2009 – Enduro Rally X-Cape Cup – contest held in Bacau with closed park at the Municipal Stadium and a route that crosses the county from Hemeius to Zemes and back;
2010 – X-Cape discovers the forest routes in Comanesti and surroundings and prepares it the memorable race for all the participants – “Ionut Ardeleanu” Cup; rain and bad weather conditions did not stop the event but made the delight of the participants and spectators;
2011 – Using the experience gained in previous years and the natural beauty of the area Comanesti, our club hosts for the first time a stage a Championship European de Enduro; This task proves to be a difficult one, involving all members club and collaboration with local and central institutions, but it is successfully fulfilled, European Enduro Commission confirming this at the end of the event.

· In 2012 and 2013 respectively, X-Cape organized stages in the National Enduro Championship, stages hosted by the city of Bacau. They identified several key issues for the events what will follow:-the new “Mircea Cancicov” Business and Exhibition Center as the logistics base for competitions due to its location and the modern facilities that are available;- a trails crossing spectacular and technical natural enduro trails with the easy access to special samples for spectators and organizational staff;o Bacau is easily accessible to competitors and organizational staff through the routes access available: European road E85 and Bacau international airport but and multiple accommodation possibilities in hotel units

· 2014 – For the second time, X-Cape organizes a stage of the European Enduro Championship,this time in Bacau. The event enjoys success through numerous a contestants from 20 European countries as well as spectators interested in motor sports from all over Romania. Weather conditions made the organization very difficult for members but the previous experience and the good knowledge of the alternative route routes, have proven the key to success. This was highlighted in the reports competition of the European Enduro Commission and of the Romanian Motorcycling Federation where note the sustained efforts and X-Cape determination to ensure safety competitors and continue supporting evidence in special conditions.

· 2015-2017 – Enduro competitions are organized under the aegis of FRM, with participation in the calendarThe Regional or National Championship in the enduro classic or hard-enduro

· 2018 – The European Enduro Commission responds positively to X-Cape’s request for organizing a European Enduro Championship Stage, a competition that brings Romania and Bacau on the sport performance map in 2018. In addition to organizational activities, X-Cape members are legally sponsored by the Romanian Motorcycling Federation in the National Enduro Championship, participating in competitions in the country as well as abroad. Of the most important ones, we mention:

· Red Bull Romaniacs – Sibiu, an emblematic competition in hard-enduro level world;

· Red Bull Sea to Sky – Turkey;

· European Enduro Championship – Kielce, Poland

· Frequent participations in national competitions of enduro, hard enduro and enduro cross

In 2011 and 2013 respectively, the club members participated in the Enduro World Championship in Buzau as the main referees for specials motocross and extreme.

In preparation for the 2014 Enduro European Championship, the club members obtained a license from the International Motorcycling Federation to be able to take the position of Contest Director and Environmental Commissioner at any world event. This license confirms the organizational capacity for the events whose host we will be and the willingness to play a role in competitions organized by other clubs on the territory of Romania. Also, as a requirement for organizing the competition this year, 10 members of our club will participate in specialization and certification courses supported by the International Federation of Motorcycling.

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By far the best team I've ever worked with. They truly understood the look I was going for and completely nailed it! I would highly recommend them as a company, you simply just won't find any better team!

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Jack GrahamCo Founder, Coffee Inc
Guess What

We’ve received many

awards, and we’re not

very shy about it.

Design Awards
Nectar Convention
UI Convention
Salient Awards
Web Design Envy
Design Fusion
Salient Team
Nectar Gathering